

Who we are

The West Bloomfield - Lakes Area Dems promotes the philosophy of the Democratic Party, works to elect Democrats to public office, and promotes civic engagement. These objectives are implemented through monthly meetings, committees, the area Democratic precinct delegates, and like-minded individuals who seek to work together to achieve jointly held community goals. In 2022, WBLDems created the WBLDems PAC to help elect Democrats.

The WBLDems area includes West Bloomfield Twp, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake and Orchard Lake Village.


We usually meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, with doors open at 6 pm for socializing. Our primary venue is the West Bloomfield Township Public Library, 4600 Walnut Lake Rd, in West Bloomfield. Meeting date, time and location is occasionally subject to change based on venue availability. Meeting details and logistics are always provided via our bi-monthly emails, website and event calendar.

All meetings are free and open to the public. join us!


2024-2025 Executive Committee

Chair: Jonathan Warshay
Vice Chair: Linda Furlough
Treasurer: Sue Erich
Secretary: Amy Mindell
Communications Officer: Marcie Paul
Officers At Large: Dianne Browne, Patty Campbell, John Erich, Margaret Hall, Howard Lederman, Jennifer Matlow, Earnestina Moore, and Julie Wash


Committee Chairs

Membership: Susan Erich

Program: Julie Wash

Political Organizing/Precinct Delegates: John Erich and Susan Erich 

Communications: Marcie Paul

Rules and Bylaws: Linda Furlough

Social Justice: Amy Mindell


Several opportunities to get involved:

Program and Events: Suggest or help plan events - contact Julie

Meetings: Help with set up, hospitality and refreshments - contact Julie

Political Organizing/Precinct Delegates: During election years: canvass, phone or text banks, lit drops or become a Precinct Delegate. Contact Amy

Social Justice Committee: Many opportunities to help with initiatives or events. Contact Amy


Oakland County Democratic Party Executive Committee members representing WBLDems:

Dwayne Brown, Jill Farber-Bramson, Lisa Fiscus, Linda Furlough, Murray Gorchov, Howard Lederman, Derryl Reed, Julie Wash and Lisa Wigent